The Unseen Battle: Coping with C-Section Stigma in the Modern Age

Dreamer’s Dairy ✨
3 min readJun 22, 2024
Stop Shaming C-Section Moms

Every Way of Giving Birth is Tough

Childbirth, regardless of the method, is a demanding and challenging process. It is also a miraculous, life-changing, and rewarding experience. Instead of tearing others down for their birth method, let’s lift up all people giving birth, no matter the circumstances. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that both baby and mother are healthy.

What is C-Section Shaming?

C-section shaming occurs when women are judged or criticized for having a cesarean section. Some view C-sections as the “easy way out” or “not a natural birth,” leading to judgment towards those who have them. A simple search online will reveal countless stories of women who have faced C-section shaming. This judgment is absolutely unwarranted. As women, we should support one another and lift each other up during the prenatal, pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood experiences. Both vaginal and C-section moms are brave; you never know the struggles and pain they went through.

My Experience

I had a C-section after being diagnosed with gestational diabetes and finding out my baby was breech. The doctor recommended a C-section for the safety of both me and my baby. However…



Dreamer’s Dairy ✨

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