Now I Believe: Miracles Can Happen to Anyone

Dreamer’s Dairy ✨
4 min readJun 17, 2024
Miracles Happen in most unexpected ways…

To get a grasp on whether miracles can really happen in our daily lives, we first need to understand what they. Miracles are extraordinary events. Supernatural phenomena. Occurrences beyond human explanation. They often show up as spiritual power or remarkable developments with overwhelmingly positive outcomes. Given the injuries I sustained from my accident and my subsequent recovery, my journey can definitely be called a miracle. Despite the struggles, it taught me so much and showed that miracles can indeed happen every day — we just need to see them differently.

A Struggle to Conceive

For four long years, I battled to have a baby. I faced miscarriages and long stretches of not conceiving again, all while dealing with the gossip & judgment from those around me. Close acquaintances would call, lecturing me about having a baby as if I was wasting time. I never shared my struggles because I knew no one would be truly supportive. Instead, they’d gossip and pretend to care while secretly feeling jealous. So many changed after seeing me move abroad and build a good life for myself. I didn’t want pity; understanding and support were what I needed.

The Journey to Pregnancy

After numerous fertility treatments and countless medications, I finally became pregnant. While…



Dreamer’s Dairy ✨

Sharing insights and stories about life, culture, and personal experiences.