Lost to Greed: How Unqualified Doctors Took My Loved One Away

Dreamer’s Dairy ✨
3 min readJun 18, 2024
When healers becomes killers

When you hear “doctor,” you might think of a smart, kind-hearted person who’s all about healing and helping others. Doctors are not just folks with fancy degrees. They’re certified pros whose job is to figure out what’s making you sick and help you get better. Whether they specialize or not, their main goal is always to help us heal.

But here’s a twist – In places like India and Pakistan, things aren’t that straightforward. Many government healthcare setups need real help and often charge for services, leading some doctors to see their role more as a moneymaker rather than a noble duty. Sadly, this can lead to really bad outcomes like poor treatment and, unfortunately, even death.

A Heartbreaking Story

Let me share something personal. My nephew, only 7, started having headaches out of the blue. At first, the local docs waved it off as a regular fever. But when his pain didn’t stop, we knew something was wrong. Despite visiting several doctors who all said it was just a fever and sore throat, no one could pinpoint what was actually happening.

With no specialists around because every general doctor claimed to be an expert on everything (which wasn’t helpful), we were desperate. We finally decided to take him to a big city hospital even though it cost…



Dreamer’s Dairy ✨

Sharing insights and stories about life, culture, and personal experiences.