Despair and the Power of Perseverance

Dreamer’s Dairy ✨
4 min read4 days ago


Finding Strength in Perseverance: The Power of Perseverance

Tampering with Words: A Threat to Society’s Fabric

It is more often than not desperate men and women who emerge as game-changers in the long march to silence and inaction. After all, the basic tenet of any game is that victory and defeat are transient; if not today then certainly tomorrow. The real struggle is not with the other, it is with the self. I have seen that so many lose everything in the fear of losing, while on the other side there are others who also lost everything but refused to lose their attitude of ‘winning’ and thus landed up in great success. Natural observations offer lessons for humanity: the braves conquer their interior evils, thus purifying society. Good people not only dream of better society but steadfastly work towards it. Noble souls are cultivated, not found amidst mean surroundings.

True Bravery: to Save and Protect

A true hero invests his time in saving people. Courage is to protect oneself, not to oppress others. Ruling by power is nothing but oppression; ruling is in winning the hearts of the subjects. The more anguish people suffer, the more malice spreads among them. Behold, as it happened in olden times, the goblet of our thoughts is being poisoned. Paper and ink are fading in their brightness. Complaints are increasing, as is ingratitude. It is said that courage is an ornament of a believer, and to love the smallest of human beings is the acme of humanity, while saving each other’s life is regarded as the greatest moral and religious obligation, meriting blessings in this world and the life to come.

Development of Good Thoughts: An Antidote to Dejection

It is the negative thought that is the original sin. Cultivate positive thinking for a ‘refinement’ of your personality. Despair is growing, disproportionately, in our minds. It reaches a proportion when it qualifies to be an infectious disease, which spreads, incessantly. Without doubt, despair is a satanic force and, at the same time, a weapon. It has long been accepted by science, that such forces paralyze minds and cause different types of ailments. Science has proved that human beings can overcome diseases like cancer by their will power. Yet, I do not know why humans cannot overpower the disease called despair.

Faith and Action: The Way Out of Despair

He who trusts in God never dies of starvation. But in faith without action, one is involved in conflict, robbery, and looting. Power is temporary, but the actions of a person are exalted in the minds of the born tomorrow. Come then, you and I, find a way to throttle despair. Cease this tormenting of humanity; the very word “suffering” makes me scream. I read of your past centuries of atrocities – how all that cruelty gets past your pen I cannot imagine. Questioning humanity left in me, repeatedly probed by those vows made by the pen. Rather than beating ourselves persistently over mistakes, let the lamp of hope gleam and do our duties.

Role of Compassion and Understanding

Despair has to be overcome, but it is equally important to produce compassion and understanding. Man does best in an environment where empathy and care abound. Reaching out to others, making security a presence, and giving people the feeling of being one another’s keeper – these are the things that will make our society resilient and united. Lowly compassionate actions that are surely possible to make have a built-in ripple effect powerful enough to touch lives and raise spirits.

Education and Awareness: Empowering Minds

Education plays a very important role in fighting back despair and negativity. It is through education that awareness about mental health, resources of emotional well-being, and positive thinking can be disseminated to help individuals fight back and regain their control of life. Knowledge is what can set a person free from the bondage of despair and open up newer vistas of opportunities and perspectives.

The Importance of Gratitude and Reflection

Gratitude helps us focus on the appreciated things rather than on what we lack in our lives. Keeping a record of one’s blessings and giving thanks substantially improves mental and emotional well-being. Gratitude enhances positivity, induces resilience, and minimizes stress. Therefore, let us make gratitude a habit by being thankful for every little bit of good happening and small win that shows up each day.


Eventually, we shall tire of fighting each other. In conflict, victory does not exist; it just ends. Adulterated words distort the face of society.

In other words, resistance to despair lies within ourselves. If we are in a position to create supportive thoughts, to be more compassionate, have faith and action, disseminate education and awareness, and practice gratitude, then we should put them into play. With these practices, we shall be able to build a resilient, considerate society with hope. Let us work along these lines, and agree to these tenets of faith for the pursuit of a brighter future and a resurgent humanity unshackled by the chains of tatters of desperation and negativity.



Dreamer’s Dairy ✨

Sharing insights and stories about life, culture, and personal experiences.