Despair and the Power of Perseverance

Dreamer’s Dairy ✨
4 min read2 days ago
Finding Strength in Perseverance: The Power of Perseverance

Tampering with Words: A Threat to Society’s Fabric

It is more often than not desperate men and women who emerge as game-changers in the long march to silence and inaction. After all, the basic tenet of any game is that victory and defeat are transient; if not today then certainly tomorrow. The real struggle is not with the other, it is with the self. I have seen that so many lose everything in the fear of losing, while on the other side there are others who also lost everything but refused to lose their attitude of ‘winning’ and thus landed up in great success. Natural observations offer lessons for humanity: the braves conquer their interior evils, thus purifying society. Good people not only dream of better society but steadfastly work towards it. Noble souls are cultivated, not found amidst mean surroundings.

True Bravery: to Save and Protect

A true hero invests his time in saving people. Courage is to protect oneself, not to oppress others. Ruling by power is nothing but oppression; ruling is in winning the hearts of the subjects. The more anguish people suffer, the more malice spreads among them. Behold, as it happened in olden times, the goblet of our thoughts is being poisoned. Paper and ink are fading in their brightness. Complaints are increasing, as is ingratitude…



Dreamer’s Dairy ✨

Sharing insights and stories about life, culture, and personal experiences.