7 Red Flags That He’s No Longer in Love with You

Dreamer’s Dairy ✨
3 min readJun 21, 2024
Heartbreaking Signs He Doesn’t Love You Anymore

1. Lack Attention

Remember when he used to light up as soon as you walked into the room? Now, things feel kinda empty. It’s almost like you’re invisible to him. He’s always glued to his phone or super busy with work or his hobbies. And when you talk about your day, it feels like you’re chatting with the wall because he just nods and doesn’t really listen. It’s really sad to see he doesn’t bother with the little things in your life anymore.

2. No Affection

The cozy hugs and sweet kisses? They seem like they’re from another lifetime now. These days, if you try for a cuddle, he just pulls away. It leaves you feeling pretty chilly inside. Missing that closeness is tough – it’s like a signal that the lovey-dovey stuff you had is slipping away.

3. Avoids Communication

Chatting used to be so easy, but now it feels super strained, right? He dodges the deep talks. Even simple questions get either defensive words or kind of nothing-y replies from him. Feels like there’s this big old wall between you & every attempt to talk just gets blocked by him. That silence is really loud and it hurts knowing he’s not into connecting deeply anymore.

4. Broken Promises



Dreamer’s Dairy ✨

Sharing insights and stories about life, culture, and personal experiences.